August 21, 2020 | Kendra Keelan

Blending peace and tranquility with picturesque aesthetics, FallingWater Scapes transforms your landscape into a sanctuary. As one of the few design and build companies in New England with expertise in this field, FallingWater Scapes implements streams, waterfalls, fountains and ponds as the heart of any landscape design. The firm’s water features are all-natural looking, sustainable, and self-sufficient. We tapped the resources of owner and designer Jonathan Marston, who has a Bachelors of Arts and Sciences in design from Quest University Canada, to see how his seasoned team of Certified Aquascape Contractors can help you create your own stunning refuge….
Q: What are the aesthetic and sensory benefits of adding a FallingWater Scape design to your landscape?
A: Water is unique in the sense that it enlivens your outdoor space by adding movement and sound to your landscape. Especially due to the New England seasons, “clients often hear their waterfall emanating through an open window on a summer night. Come winter, a water feature morphs into an ever-changing ice sculpture that catches the eye from inside.” FallingWater Scapes brings peace and tranquility to your backyard.
Q: Each water feature your company creates is unique. Can you talk a little bit about the process—from design conception to installation—and what the timeline might typically be?
A: The design process starts with a potential client sending in some pictures of their yard. From there, a complimentary phone call (30-45 minutes) will be scheduled where design possibilities and respective price tags will be discussed. Next, a paid onsite consultation takes place which typically results in a “Go Ahead” for the project. The timeline of a project ranges anywhere from 3 days to 3 months, with the average being two to three weeks for completion.
Q: Are there design applications that work better in larger spaces vs. smaller ones?
No matter the size of the yard, FallingWater Scapes always sticks to this principle: “design from the inside out.” This means, whether you have a narrowly defined yard in Newton or a large estate in Dover, FallingWater Scapes uses the organic architectural principles of Frank Lloyd Wright to blur the lines between residence and nature, creating a feature that can be seen from indoors. In a small backyard, for example, a Mongolian basalt column or bubbling urn is perfect within view of the kitchen table or office desk. In a larger outdoor space, a flatter design set further back, like low waterfalls or shimmering ponds, will be best to provide that same enjoyment to your dwelling.
Q: What makes your water features sustainable and self-sufficient?
A: FallingWater Scapes’ features promote water conservation and biodiversity. A rainwater capture component to the feature is designed, when possible, which attracts and supports a wide range of animals and key pollinators. Beyond the ecological benefits, clients can take a two-week vacation without having to worry about any upkeep with their water feature.
Q: There is little expertise in your field in this particular niche. How does your experience set you apart?
A: FallingWater Scapes has two credentials that separate us from professional landscapers, the first being that we are Master Certified Aquascape Contractors with a Bachelors of Arts and Sciences in water feature design. Secondly, FallingWater Scapes, because of their credentials and expertise, only gets involved with projects that have a water feature, despite the firm’s skillfulness with regular landscape design and construction. Over 60% of the company’s new construction comes from rebuilding projects that were never established properly.
Q: What is the maintenance and upkeep like for a homeowner? Are there hidden or ongoing costs to be mindful of?
A:With a well-built water feature, there is very little maintenance or upkeep comparatively to the rest of your landscape. Clients of FallingWater Scapes can expect 5-10 minutes per week of easy maintenance. Beyond that, it is recommended to hire FallingWater Scapes for an annual spring cleaning, where the water feature is completely drained and scrubbed down.
Q: What has been one of your favorite projects since founding FallingWater Scapes and why?
A: Instead of picking a favorite project, a theme seems to jump out to Jonathan Marston: healing. FallingWater Scapes features create joy and peace—transforming your outdoor space into your own paradise. Jonathan gets a sense that their work plays a bigger role in “the healing and coping processes too during life’s most trying times.” That his work plays a small role in helping homeowners overcome tragedy has been a new realization for Marston and his team.
Q: Can you quantify the overall value a custom water feature brings to your home?
A: Any professional landscaping done to your outdoor space will automatically enhance a home’s value. However, a water feature is unique: offering a magnetic quality with adding movement and sound to a landscape. This creates an opportunity to spend time outside enjoying the feature. Says Marston, “Time spent with loved ones and oneself is the best way to measure the value a water feature brings to the table.”
Visit FallingWater Scapes to get started on your project.
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